Shhhhhh…Be Vewwy Vewwy Quiet
It’s around 10:30 in the morning...
I’m in the kind of neighborhood that bad neighborhoods don’t want to be associated with...
There are three guys who look like they just got out of prison yesterday standing around my vehicle talking…
My tint is so dark that it’s nothing but a reflection…
I have a sunshade up in the windshield…
One of the guys starts eying my vehicle…
Looks once…
Looks twice…
Third times the charm. He comes over and sticks his face in my window. Hands cupped over his eyes….
I’m quieter than a church mouse walking on cotton balls…
After a few seconds of looking at his own face in my window, he goes back to talking to his friends, satisfied that no one is in it…
Just then, my subject comes out of his house and gets in his car to leave…
As he drives off, I rip the sunshade down and hit the engine, then roar away tires squealing…
The look on Mr. Nosy’s face alone when I Bo Duke outta there is worth the price of admission…
I love this job…
I’m in the kind of neighborhood that bad neighborhoods don’t want to be associated with...
There are three guys who look like they just got out of prison yesterday standing around my vehicle talking…
My tint is so dark that it’s nothing but a reflection…
I have a sunshade up in the windshield…
One of the guys starts eying my vehicle…
Looks once…
Looks twice…
Third times the charm. He comes over and sticks his face in my window. Hands cupped over his eyes….
I’m quieter than a church mouse walking on cotton balls…
After a few seconds of looking at his own face in my window, he goes back to talking to his friends, satisfied that no one is in it…
Just then, my subject comes out of his house and gets in his car to leave…
As he drives off, I rip the sunshade down and hit the engine, then roar away tires squealing…
The look on Mr. Nosy’s face alone when I Bo Duke outta there is worth the price of admission…
I love this job…